Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Four C's Of A Girl's BEST Friend!

Now Introducing ........
 "A Girl's BEST Friend"

Various characteristics of diamonds are graded and categorized by the diamond industry.

Learning about diamonds is first learning about the "four Cs" of diamonds which are considered the most important grades and categories:  Also remember groom's you can also opt for a beautiful "gem stone" which can come in more colors than diamonds and are defiantly less expensive....

So the bride would then be able to get a bigger Gem Stone, with perhaps little diamonds around it rather than a smaller diamond! 

The 4 C'S are.....

1. Cut
2. Clarity
3. Color
4. Carat Weight

These are the criteria jewelers use when grading diamonds, and they're the ones you'll need to understand to buy the right diamond for you.
And then there's the "Fifth C":
  • Certificates
The diamond certificate, which is sometimes called a grading report, is a complete evaluation of your diamond that has been performed by a qualified professional with the help of special gemological instruments. Each stone bears its own recognizable, individual characteristics, which is listed on the certificate.

So happy searching and remember The Perfect Day would love assisting you in making YOUR day "PERFECT" Contact us for wedding planning consultations right here on our blogspot page!

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