Wednesday, May 18, 2011

~ Bridal Shower Games & Ice Breakers ~

Looking for fun bridal shower games to entertain your guests?
Whether they're traditional or zany, try one of these fun sample bridal shower games.

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress
Divide the group into two or more teams of at least three people each. The teams are given rolls of toilet paper, and each team chooses a "bride." Give the teams 20 minutes to create a wedding dress on their "bride" using the toilet paper. At the end of the allotted time, vote for the best wedding dress and the funniest, and give prizes to the winners.

The Clothespin Game
To begin, choose a "buzz word" such as bride, groom, wedding, etc. When each person comes into the party, hand them a clothespin. Then, if someone hears another person saying the "buzz word," they get to take that person's clothespin. The person with the most clothespins at the end of the party wins. (Another variation is that a guest loses her clothespin when she crosses her legs, a hard task for a party full of women!)

Two Truths and a Lie
Everyone introduces herself, and tells the group three things about herself; two are true, one is a lie. The audience then writes down or shouts out which one they think is a lie. If a guest is shy, the host should whisper in her ear some ideas for the lie.

How Well Do You Know the Bride?
Start off this game by asking the guest-of-honor to leave the room, standing just out of sight but within hearing distance. Ask guests what she was wearing, (color of her shirt, hair up or down, etc.) then move on to harder questions such as how did the bride and groom meet, what is the bride's favorite color, etc. The first person to shout out the most correct answers is the winner.

The Bride's Poem
Start off by writing a sentence about the bride (or bride and groom) as if it were the first line of a poem. Then pass it around the room as the bride opens her presents. Each guest must write down a next line of the poem, following the previous line as logically as possible. Then, she folds the sheet of paper over, so that the next guest only sees the line she has written. The maid of honor or hostess reads the wacky poem at the end of present opening!

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